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I am alone, when no one is there.
I am alone, but I do not fear.
I am alone, though I'm not sad.
I am alone, and that's not bad.
I am alone, and that is okay.
I am alone..... alone I will stay.

I can be alone, I can be with just me. But when I'm not, then I am truly free.
I can be alone, and I can be in a crowd. I can be silent, and I can be loud.

I know how to be alone, it does not bother me.
I know how to be alone, but why should I be?

I hate not to be alone, I can stand the company of me.
But when alone, with no one else, that's when I see.

Though I can be alone, I hate to be without.

I am not alone, with myself only.
I am not alone, but instead lonely.

I can be with me, but I am less without you.

It breaks down. I break down.
Bleak, cold, dark and dead. I fear, I feel, I hear in my head.
No good, no use, give up, give in. "Survival is easy, living is sin."
I make a stand, I try to fight, I try to scream, I don't invite.
The cold, the dark, the words, the hate, the pain.
I talk, I beg, I scream, I yell, I sing and shout.

I can not drown my demons, they learned to swim long ago.

Fri vers av Vitalis
Läst 242 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2015-05-23 14:28

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