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Skrev denna en kväll när jag satt och lyssnade på instrumental musik av pianisten och kompositören Ludovico Einaudi.. Säkert en massa grammatiska fel och felstavningar.

Poems On A Gravyard

Writing poems on a graveyard,
I´m writing about a girl that I once knew.
Wondering if she still thinks of me,
While I´m feeling so alone and blue.

On a graveyard, I´m lonely,
No one there to bury my bones.
I´m pretending that there are ghosts there,
'Cause it´s better than being alone.

People tell me that I´m crazy,
Smoking cigarettes, and drinking my beer,
While writing poetry on a graveyard,
When there´s no one there to hear.

On a graveyard, I´m lonely,
No one there to bury my bones.
It´s late at night, I´m writing,
But no one there to read my poems.

Bunden vers av Johnny Joe
Läst 459 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2017-02-01 18:55

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Johnny Joe
Johnny Joe