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Coursing deep through practising the way, things happens that has to be told with a few years delay

Vision I

On the first day I came to the river not far from where I first lived , in the small town where I was born, the place I had left when I was fourteen to go far east, to the land of snow and China. I drank from the river and bathed each day preforming prostrations, having received the pointing out instructions of 'going to a sacred place and acting out everything that came to my mind'. I read from the old Buddhist scriptures and also about the life of Christ . On the third day of sitting the night sky filled with planets, oh dear Saturn, on a bright blue day. I begun to depart from my body. I could travel like a spirit observing my own self, seated in practice . On the fifth day the Daikinis came to me and I saw my self preforming special yogic practice with two shining women in the tent where I was sitting. Ants moved around on my body but I did not wake up from the trance I was in. On the sixth day my breath awareness grew so strong that I could make my self invisible. 
People from my old town came to me, offering gifts of food wondering what it was that I was doing far away from the city . We talked about life and its attachments until some cried tears of joy and sadness . My mind became attached to leaving my body behind and on the seventh day when I departed to observe my self in practice there was nothing but a fat frog with sunglasses sitting in my seat. I remembered my days in a Chinese temple and my teachers warning of perusing things like astral projection and that such spiritual achievements would only be strengthening my ego. 
As the Buddha said -why would you want to be a spirit when you have been given this beautiful human life?
After seeing the frog i fell in to a deep sleep where I met my teachers teacher dressed in white robes and large white straw-hat. He showed me bright glowing Arabic calligraphy which I could not understand. After a while the text started to fade in ripples of water and it was if I was looking down in to a deep well. As the ripples cleared out a face appeared in the reflection of the still wells bottom and a voice asked me -how real do you want to make it ?
I woke up and bathed once again in the river cleaning my shaved head and body.
The next night I fell in to an even deeper sleep and I found my self standing at the bottom of a peak on top of a mountain. My hand held out in the dark grasping multi coloured prayer flags that where flapping in the wind. I followed a long row of stairs holding the rope of flags that lead up to a large monastery with a dozen or so monks sitting in meditation. In front of the crowd there was a man standing pointing at a blackboard. On the blackboard there was a triangle with an eye on the top. -This is our enemy! the man said and I woke up abruptly. I went down to the river and started to swim across the water in the middle of the night . When I reached the middle it felt like a strong stream was building up. I became terrified and screamed out in to the night -why did you do this to me?
Then a loud reassuring sound came back from the night sky and I could feel again that there was no stream and I could safely swim across to the other side. 
Naked as I was I came to the other side and walked across a mowed lawn up to a big house where I heard laughter. This happened in the real of awakened life even though you might not believe what will follow.
I came to the porch of the house where three men where drinking . Upon seeing me they rose from their seats with haste confronting me with questions,
-what are you doing here! They asked.
-are you a crazy junkie ?
I said calmly that I was not crazy and that I had a message which they could help me with. This only made two of the men more angry and the third man pulled me in to the house.
-This is my house I'm the ambassador of America living in Sweden tell me what you want , I'm the only thing protecting you from the animals outside so say, what you have to say, before I call the cops.
I looked at the man an took a few breathes before I continued
-I came here only to tell you that the bank's in this age don't need lobbying power !
That's all I have to say.
The man stared at me amazed and gave me a red blanket to wrap around my self as the police arrived a few twenty minutes later. When the police asked me in the car driving me back to my parents house, why I did what I did, I said it was because of love . This brought the female officer to tears as we pulled up to the house. The story for now ends here, for I'm writing this 5 years later on an airport on my phone sleeping on the ground waiting for tomorrow's flight.

Prosa (Kortnovell) av Marcus B
Läst 338 gånger
Publicerad 2017-07-08 01:47

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Marcus B
Marcus B