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Dignity! Amnesty!

For each worker who stands up for solidarity, we welcome back the return of History

Repeat after me: “We demand dignity! We demand amnesty!”

The cops and judges may condemn us for treason. They may send the children of dawn to prison. We refuse to get down on our knees, even if they throw away the keys

No, we don’t fear deportation or forced separation. Do not expect us to fade away - we are here to stay! Reason is on our side, on any side of the Río Bravo

For each fighter who stands up against infamy, we welcome back the return of working-class Memory

Remember there’s no blueprint. I don’t know about tomorrow, but defeat won’t do us apart, neither will sorrow

We’ll come back for a new start, until we liberate each and every downtrodden heart!

Bring with you marching boots and a big cowboy hat. The Grand Canyon is about to erupt! Red shirts and butterflies everywhere

The lonely dandelions of yesterday have turned into roaring battalions

Nurses and teachers; day laborers and fearless dreamers; street panthers and human volcanoes; steel workers and Hopi eagles

They have come from schools and factories, mines and mills, to set the great wilderness aflame

Courage, my friends - let’s create one, two, three, many West Virginias! Endless Horror will not last - we won’t go back to the past

Dear Gene: The Southern cross is once again bending. It's time to wage war against the warmakers. For the open wounds of oppression there's no mending

Let the golden thrones send their armed drones! I came here - to life, to stir and arouse

Yes, we used to be strangers, but the long retreat is over; the rude awakening is well behind us. Out of the tombs, overflowing with bombs, a new generation of youth will step forward, inevitably

"On each other we trust" - whether they turn our cities and villages into dust

I rather die defending a just cause, than linger on with my back against a wall. The coming rain of Spring won't take a pause!

For each young worker who stands up for solidarity we welcome back the return of History

Repeat after me: “We demand dignity! We demand amnesty!

"We’ll do away with the rule of misery. Yes, we are the children of destiny!"

Fri vers (Fri form) av Rafael X
Läst 218 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2018-07-04 23:39

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Rafael X
Rafael X