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Lång historia om grundvärden för mig, lång fin text, läggs ut som en fin persisk matta för läsaren!

När det tredje ögat fångas runtom halsen!

Som en Kram.
Som en kram.
Eller något.

Aldrig blanda Engelska och Svenska.
En grundregel,
En gyllene regel...

Men det skiter jag i!

And the Eye in the Forehead, The third eye..
Was here focus and concentration from the soul, Out too her Forehead.
It was called the third eye, since years ago.
It was the eye, that got her attention, when she did!
When she was focused.
When she felt, like a godly thing.
Something more than human.
In that moment, she didn`t have any weaknesses.
Something wich in general speaking is spread, like a Humanly weakness.
She felt even more, when she figured out what the third eye was.
And when she so felt it...
She knew she had too capture it, close too her heart.
In a bracelet, wich was created like an eye around her neck, with yellow and blue, symbolizing the third eye, as if it was a second heart?
She took care of it like a baby.
And nursured it every day.
She never seemed to let it be apart from her neck.
She thought it had magical powers,
She thought, it was something more than just a bracelet.
She thought it was; Her kind of music, Her kind of crazyness, wich was all positive,And all the poems kept in heart, and an eternal memory captured in a bracelet!

Bunden vers av Mim
Läst 113 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2018-11-04 14:18

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