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En gammal låttext, en reggae från 2001.

Alternative Lifestyle

I never really fit in anywhere, I seldom asked myself why.
I was always a freak, a really weird kind of guy.
The look in people’s eyes saying “He’s not like the rest of us”
never bothered me as such, don’t even think I thought about it much.
Why use other people as models for what I want to be?
Why should I be afraid to think and live differently?

Life is not a straight line, I don’t want to follow the herd.
Choosing the road less travelled by makes all the difference in the world.

I’m not into going places, don’t do travelling of any kind.
Staying at my summer cottage is what gives me peace of mind.
I’m not letting religion or politics mess up my head and soul.
I always think for myself and that keeps me from losing control.
Why do people worry about what others think – all the time?
You can do your thing so please just let me do mine.

Life is not a straight line, I don’t want to follow the herd.
Choosing the road less travelled by makes all the difference in the world.

Alternative lifestyle – I take it to the limit. ( Aaa – aa)
Why don’t you give it a try? You might enjoy every minute.

Alternative lifestyle – I take it to the limit. ( Aaa – aa)
Just give it a try! You might enjoy every minute.

Alternative lifestyle – I take it to the limit. ( Aaa – aa)
Just give it a try! You might enjoy every minute.

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Tomas Karlsson VIP
Läst 235 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2019-03-14 17:34

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Tomas Karlsson VIP