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When it`s all in Saga.

Why are saga`s there?
Why are they important?

(Expansionbox wich is our brain, carved as a box, growing growing)

Important to who? Children and Grownups.

Sagas wich are very black. Sagas wich are very white. Sagas in the middle.
A parent is growing with heartfulness (The heart is growing) The childs heart arerushing with eager (längtan), like a Bridge over parents water. Like a bridge over childs water. Like a bridge over caring Waters. (Film by me)

And finally- A parent with a book in front of parent, in the middle, in the parents lap.

Saga songs.

Bunden vers av Mim
Läst 95 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2019-06-06 06:52

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