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I saw strange or normal things!

I saw strange things.
I don`t know what my mind was focused on?
Maybe distress and worry, But still I saw it.
Maybe it was a miracle?
Well, how can I describe it?
There was a young lady, sking me if I was on the right spot, the right location.
I probably looked lost.
It was so kind of her, to care, for a stranger.
But I Where lost, just about...
I was loking for a way to cross the road.
And she showed me the way.
Nice of her.

And when I was through, the time of a meeting, a doctor jumped out of nowhere, and literally jumped around. It looked funny, but the motion was filled with happiness, I mean; I saw his face.

Bunden vers av Mim
Läst 85 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2019-08-15 09:18

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