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A new Artform.

Will write in Swenglish. Will you write with me?

I will write in Swenglish. Swedish plus English. Two languages, formed as one.
Fragments. Maybe people wants a more holistic sight on things?
Cause it`s simple? Holistic ways, and not fragmentary ways?
Out in the world, there will be more than Swenglish...
There will be Alien-languages, if you look at the cause, this way...
There should be more books in this world, with mixed, two Languages.
Wich people will follow?
But in the books beginning, there should be a little text, that says;
This text is made by two languages.
This text is made by Swedish and English, if it is...
Or if it`s made by two others, two totally different languages?
Mixing two languages, can be a form of a riddle.
Who will read this text and understand it?
The author says to it self.
The Idea of Mixed up languages in a book, will not be possible.
Authors want a big crowd of people to read there books.
And that can`t be possible if The book is written in two languages.
Because, if the author wants a little crowd to read there books, they should do this!
Or maybe, cause a new artform?

Bunden vers av Mim
Läst 112 gånger
Publicerad 2019-08-17 08:57

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  danne //
'One time' var det oldtime gosse då det bara sprutade ut nice ord, well ord don't c'm simpelt å tralande fram där på the road, lite slowmotion hur framförandet ska traska fram mot sitt Goal ...
I Tried anyway didnt i?
Kanske not the bästa men ett försök är Anyhow !
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