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Regarding the lost object

Melancholia is the longing for an object never obtained
sorrow is the suffering of having lost such obtained
anonymity is the sanctuary of never loosing fame

Anxiety is the over-proximity of the other
the other is anxiety in relation to the object
the object is the reminder of all the above

All emotions lie except through their pain for the Beloved
the Beloved is the truth in every emotion

I walked land across, yet I feel unseen
feeling unseen, will keep me walking

Father can you not see that my feet are hurting?

I did not wander towards something desired
yet desire will not be wandered away from

My being feels sour although I should be uplifted in sweetness
thinking I have sweetness owed to me is my sour shame

Beloved I pray for forgiveness for my impatience
impatience towards forgiveness is what my love and prayers concern

I surrender to being cleaned of the thought of reward
but without recognition I can’t stand to do so
at least pay attention to my letting go
give me something for not wanting a thing

You crave to be seen, but can you not see
how others crave to be seen by you?

Prosa av Marcus B
Läst 183 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2020-03-09 20:39

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Marcus B
Marcus B