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Engelska inte är min starkaste sida, så ifall det är lite obegripligt så får vi låtsas. Det är tanken som räknas, eller hur kära poeter?

Raindrops and tears

Raindrops are falling from the sky
Like the tears are falling from the eye
Falling fast and faster
Your willing can’t it master.

Raindrops are falling from the sky
Like the tears when the love said goodbye
Falling fast and faster
Meet the ground and finally blaster

Raindrops are falling from the sky
Like the drops when the dog shakes himself dry.
Falling wide and long away scattered
Not far from the heart that just has been tattered

Raindrops are falling from the sky
Like the tears when you laugh and don’t know why
Falling wide and long away scattered
It spread the laughter and it always flattered

Fri vers av Lady and the Tramp
Läst 633 gånger
Publicerad 2008-02-25 19:18

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Lady and the Tramp