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Skriven en gång när jag i en period lyssnade väldigt mycket på At The Gates

Like A War

People are living in the street
The broken glass will cut their feet
When you just want to feel free
When you just need a friend,
everybody wants to be your enemy
Face the bitter end
Day turns from day to night
and if you want to live, you better start to fight

It´s  like a war
People are crying
People are dying
It´s a nuclear attack
It´s best to watch your back
The world is ful of a lot of hate
Start to run, before it´s to late late

We dream about a place where it´s nice and calm
but we get bombing with napalm
Everything is on fire
Everything is in flames
The smoke is rising higher
It will never be the same

Bring the death hearse
We can feel death in the air
I wouldn´t be suprised if it can be even worse
and it seems like no one care
There´s something that I have to tell
I think we would have it better down in hell

Fri vers av Johnny Joe
Läst 491 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2008-11-13 13:50

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detta var bra!
mycket bra, tycker om meningarna
"Everything is on fire
Everything is in flames
The smoke is rising higher
It will never be the same"
vet inte riktigt varför.. men de fastnade liksom.
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Johnny Joe
Johnny Joe