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Inspirationen kommer från avsnitt 3:07 av Queer as folk, när Justin gör slut med Ethan efter att ha fått reda på att han varit otrogen. Justin river bl.a. sönder ett bukett rosor och skär sig på taggarna. För dem som inte sett serien kan ja även tala om a

Bleeding Hands

Bleeding hands
of a broken boy
Maybe there was more
but it all went wrong

Trusting in others,
thinking love could be true
He had a big heart
and so much to lose

He left his hero
to seek out his star
Tiered of being ignored,
wanting a fresh start

Words of promise
“You’re the only one for me”
Words of devotion
“I need you, don’t you see”

It started out fine,
he started to live
He thought that maybe
this could be it

But everything came to an end,
as destined to do,
when one boys betrayal
was the others doom

He had thought he was loved,
that promises were kept
He would never have guessed
that this was how it end

Angry tears
and broken hearts
Bleeding fingers
Roses torn apart

The romance was over,
all hope was lost,
the shine seemed to fade
our Sunshine went dark

Fri vers av Charmina
Läst 302 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2009-01-29 02:44

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