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Memories of the soil

Have you ever had the feeling that you saw something, but then when you try to look directly at it, it’s gone, and later you can’t remember if you really saw something at all? Well, of course you saw something, you always see something. You’ve seen the memories of the soil. The earth remembers all that has happened on that particular place. I don’t try to make you believe that the soil will remember each and every person that has ever walked over it, but it will remember the things that had great feelings clustered in it. It will remember the lovers that parted because of a fight, it will remember the man who was murdered over a couple of pennies, it will remember the girl who found her hearts true desire after searching for it for so many years. It is those memories that sometimes find their way through the soil and up to the surface, and if you’re lucky to be on that place when that happens you might catch a glimpse of one of those memories.

Prosa (Novell) av MånenÄrSomVackrastIAugusti
Läst 253 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2009-03-07 16:43

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