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Sometimes you have to clean up at home!

A cleaners prayer

Dear Dust in Heaven.
Do not fall down on floors and furnitures.
Please, let yourself out when I open my window.
And please, don't come back.
Don't work so hard with me when I try to dust and do my best.
Dear Dust in Heaven do not show such a great appearance
when the sun shines through my window at the office.
And mind you, there is a lot of materials and coulours that doesn't match you.
Green, black, red f.ex.
You show yourself to much!
And leave my windows out of this, please!
If You can hear this prayer and help me to fulfill it,
I shall keep my faith in You harder and
try to be more grateful to You and dirt.
In the name of our Lord, the Allmighty.

Fri vers av Linda Åberg-Luthman
Läst 605 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2009-10-18 10:25

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  Ewa-Britt Nilson VIP
Thank you!
A prayer
I need indeed!
So well written!
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Linda Åberg-Luthman
Linda Åberg-Luthman