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Still doesn't exist

Unterestimated the power,
nothing to hold on to..

Just to breath was my mission,
there is a thousand ways to say loser..

In nothingness with my shade i crawl,
is everything I have left..

Forever me, the chosen saviour,
but how can I cleanse my own wounds..

I want to be free from these ropes,
but my strength is failing me..

The world wants me less feeling,
but I'd rather feel anything but nothing..

Tomorrow is biting my shoulder,
there is more to come..

Cataclysm is shocking my mind,
as if there was more still inside..

My heart is empty,
and the liquid you call love,
still doesnt exist..


Fri vers av Constantine
Läst 320 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-11-03 23:21

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