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chasing dreams up with the clouds

you say don't cry
what's up with
the sad face?

I give you
the truth in
your hands
but you don't
have the time
to listen to

can't you understand?
I love him
more than I could
explain to you

words will never be
enough don't forgett
i love you to
will always do
but I need to find my dream

''but your so young''
''but my dream won't wait for me''

so what's up
with your own
sad face?

I can wipe off
your tears
even if we're miles
away that's what
best friends means

maybe I never'd said
how importan you are
i hope you know
chasing dreams high in
the sky won't make me
love you less

tears can't wipe
my love of my
I love you

i love you
but words
can't explain
it enough

Fri vers av ihålig
Läst 209 gånger
Publicerad 2009-11-14 10:51

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