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Believe in me

Believe in me

Remember yesterday?
Yesterday we used to sing
Songs about happiness
Songs about you and me
But today, today the songs have a different meaning
Today its about me

I can do anything I set my mind on
Believe in this, believe in me
Cause I just started
I have faith in me
The woman i became

Through all heartaches
Through all pain
I’m standing tall
Yeah I fell, and that wasn’t the last time
I will continue falling
But as long as I get up, falling is ok
As long as I believe

I can do anything
As long as I believe
Believe in this believe inme
I just started
Faith shining through so strong
Oh this person I have become

Ooh ohh

You know you know you know
I’ve loved you all along
You are what made me stay strong
With your arms around me
I can do anything

Oh I can do anything
As long as I believe in it
Believe in me
And you will see another side of me
Yes you will see another side of me
A side well hidden inside of me

Oh know what you see is what you get
If you believe in me
Oh believe in me
Oh tell me you will belive in me
Promise me…
you will believe in me

Fri vers av Vattuman_85
Läst 238 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-01-03 22:27

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