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Someone is there for you

Someone is there for you

When the road gets to rough
A star in the sky lights your way
When the world is to dark
See through the darkness and you will find your way

I walked in darkness
I tried to find my way but without you it is all in vein
Seeing you in the end of the tunnel
I now know where to go
Walking towards you only to see

Only darkness, no sun
No love here to embrace me
Wonder where you are
Why aren’t you here?
I continue to walk as I always done
Fleeing away from this world to find my own
So that’s why

I walked in darkness
To find my own way but without you it is all in vein
Seeing you in the end of the tunnel
I now know where to go
Walking towards you only to see

You’re standing there with open arms
You’re waiting for me
It’s no dream, you are for real

I walked in darkness
To find my own way but without you it is all in vein
Seeing you in the end of the tunnel
I now know where to go
Walking towards you only to see

Fri vers av Vattuman_85
Läst 248 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2010-01-03 22:32

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