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the stars

I’m breathing and cold air coming into my lungs.
It is dark were I’m and I’m freezing.
I pull my jacket closer.
For a monument I’m all alone telling myself to not be afraid.
There up in the sky I see a light from something
Now I see the moon, the big yellow grey moon.
It is shining up the way I walk on, like a father, good lord, my God.
For a time I only see the lord and my way in the dark.
But after that I see that I’m not alone with him.
It is so many stars in the sky, some is so close that they shining up the way too, some are so close that they shine up the way, some of them is so long far away. Some are shining so clear and some not so clear.
I think about it and realized that they are like friends. Some friends are so close that they show you your way.
Some stars are so long far away that you didn’t see them, but they are still there. I don’t see the sky or moon or stars every night but I know where I have them.
Only time can give me the best answer to who is the best stars. Now I like the stars that are clear but away from me. Do you know why?
They say, wherever you are, whatever how much you change, we will always love you for the way you are.

Övriga genrer av Love Dragon
Läst 223 gånger
Publicerad 2005-10-30 11:01

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Love Dragon
Love Dragon