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The dark

Give me whings so I can fly like the angels, Kill me and I become a demon.

Babe, I know you love me. But can you love a demon?
Can you love somthing that feeds on the sorrow of menkind?
Can you love somthing who brings death. Can you love a demon?
Baby, how can you love me.

I feed my dark soul of the pain of hummans. I feed my twisted mind whit the scream of children. I am a death itsealf. Babe I can't hurt you, I just can't so this is what must happen. Farewell my love.

Give me whings so I can fly like the angels, Kill me and I become a demon.

Fri vers av Alexander lundgren
Läst 259 gånger
Publicerad 2010-02-17 22:40

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Alexander lundgren
Alexander lundgren