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The Divinity of the self

Spiriual Waveform

He picked up the phone in reality just to hear the waveforms in the telephonewire.
What he exepted from this world was to be unknown for all others than himself, and his loyal friend, subconsiuosness.
Waveforms lingerd when the man fingred on the string while he sings with voice of mercy for the room he is standing in, he won't burn it to the ground with his power of divinity that lies in his heart.
It is to pure, pure of the one light that create our world every second,
and letting the past belong to what has already been. He's not waiting for a god to show up from knowhere, the waves gave him the insight of his own divinity some time ago and he loved the pureness of the own divinity so much, that he coulden't belive in something man created for worshipping if it didn't already exist in his soul.

Fri vers av Saru
Läst 218 gånger
Publicerad 2010-04-21 16:18

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