något spontant som skrevs en sömnlös natt....

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något spontant som skrevs en sömnlös natt....

Salty raindrops late at night



well it rained
last night
and the stars above
shone bright
as I tasted
the  salt on my lips

in my poetry
I hurt quietly
in unspoken words and numb feelings
and thoughts in silence
that no-one know of
they're just shambles
from the ruins
of my battered heart

brought up by hope
I have so many dreams
standing ready to be shattered
in the split of a second

I've fallen for an angel
with broken wings
who's clearly out of my league

but stupid is as stupid does
and my foolish heart
has been captured by this beauty

even though
I might not deserve
her love




Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Nicklas VIP
Läst 510 gånger och applåderad av 7 personer
Publicerad 2010-06-18 18:53

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Nicklas VIP