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Tredje delen i min windy novell. Handlar inte alls om onani. Läs på egen risk. Den är konstig för att vara konstig och engelsk för att jag inte är lika konstig på svenska.

I saw her - I swear (Windy - Well, it was)

The next night, or three nights after, the roof was empty.


There was no Hermione in sight.

Maybe it was because she didn’t feel that the night was as beautiful as before. Maybe she felt that the stars had blurred, that the wind had changed, that the air had dried, that the sparkle had gone.

Maybe she felt that the night, the night that for the untrained eye seemed like any night, wasn’t just as those nights. Maybe it was different. Maybe the world, big and complex as it is, had gone through irreversible and devastating change in those few nights...

Maybe it was because she hadn’t had time to go up yet. It could be that. In fact, I believe that.

But the stars actually felt blurred.

She was in the bathroom, preparing herself to shower. That, naturally, included taking of clothes and putting on lotion. But I won’t bore you with stuff like that.

Neither will I bore you explaining how she slowly took of her jeans, revealing red dotted hotpants and carelessly throwing them away. Nor how she continued to, in a motion that stretched her whole body with her hands high over her head, take of her tight sweater, revealing her bra, a bra in the category “a little too small but why complain?”.

I couldn’t imagine at all telling you all this boring stuff. It would take far too much time saying she now was slowly reaching back, unhinging the clasp for her bra in the category “a little too small but why complain?”, releasing her breasts from their cramped confinement. Even though it was very sensual and even though she had utterly beautiful breasts, I won’t bore you with that.

I couldn’t possibly do that too you.

Not even saying that she then took her hotpants by the sides and slowly, slowly dragged them down, almost as if someone was watching her.
Which no one, of course, was.

She was all alone in the bathroom, all the curtains were covering and all the windows were down. So when she then stepped out of her hotpants, light as a feather, nude as the day she was born, and throwing them on the pile of clothes that just a few minutes ago had been sticking tight to her, not one other could see her.

She was all alone, when she stepped into the shower.

The roof wasn’t empty anymore;

a bird was currently enjoying the scenery.

Prosa (100-ordare) av Tenshinhan
Läst 225 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-08-29 13:45

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