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Låttexten till "...And The World Lies Silent" av mitt band Forlorn Remembrance

...And The World Lies Silent

Frost stain the last tears that fall,
Before the writhing world turns to ice,
And the planets align for a new dark era.

In the world, silenced by frost,
Where no dreams are to breed,

In the prevailing perpetual, breathless sleep,
Everything is laid to aeons of rest,

Until the sun forces it's breach through the newborn ice age,
At the dawn of the next era.

"And when the smoke cleared away, and I sought to look upon the earth,
I beheld against the background of cold, humorous stars,
Only the dying sun and the pale mournful planets searching for their sisters."

I can still see, footprints, of the children,
That were playing in the snow.

Their ghosts still linger here...
The ghosts still linger here...

Children, left out, alone, in the cold,
When the profound darkness arrived.

A moldy, rusty playground, forlorn, in the middle of the wastes,
As a monument of loss.

Dark, abandoned houses rests silently in the white,
A roaming stillness, in the dead thoughts of a silent planet.

And the distant noises of children's cries,
Echoes throughout eternity

Snow is falling...and the world lies silent.

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Kaleidystopi
Läst 306 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2010-10-07 22:49

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