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Låttexten till "The Nucleus Of All Creations, Part 1" av mitt band Forlorn Remembrance

The Nucleus Of All Creations, Part 1

The heart of the world, a nucleus of tranquillity,
Where all roads have ended, and where life once burried it's roots,
At the end of every thought, and where life turns to dust,
And where dust turns to frost.

Breaths frozen in time, emotions stained in the cold,
Gloomy despair creeps closer in the shade of unconsciousness.

Bereft by the final sunlight, before the gelid void starts to breed,
In the darkest hour before dawn, where hope lies it's final seed.

Mournful whispers silences the murmuring oceans,
Freezing stars veil the sky above in glowing blue.

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Kaleidystopi
Läst 215 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-10-07 22:50

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