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The World And It's Last Wanderer

Wandering through the barren wastes, year after year,
Watching days killing nights, watching winter killing fall.
Through a world, eternally turning, changing, writhing,
Seasons born, seasons deceased,
Ages wasted, ages awoken.
Night by night, beholding the perpetual dark vault above,
In mourning wishes, hoping for the world to return from it's slumber.

Journeying through the world nature reclaimed,
In the purest of silence,
Alone with the ghosts of the passed,
Alone with the wildlife left behind in the neverending forests,
Who are still resting all over the planet.

Fearing the unknown that spreads across the mind,
As across the unfamiliar, nightmare-like landscapes around.
Alone, at the end of eden, at the edge of an era,
After the unnatural end of the human existance,
The last humanoid wanderer in an eternally changing, now alien world.

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Kaleidystopi
Läst 186 gånger
Publicerad 2011-01-05 02:26

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