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home to you

Sleeping under the stars
Have whiten your name in the sand
Memories behind my eyes
Still remember the feelings of holding your hand
It is a photo of us together
And still keep it so close to my heart
Can hear you in the wind
See you in the water
Smell you in the flowers
A bird fly away in the sky… home to you

Standing here on a road
Looking at the doorway
Thinks if you were there
Listen to your voice in my head
Still hold it so close my heart
Can hear you in the wind
See you in the water
Smell you in the flowers
A bird fly away in the sky… home to you

Listen to the word you say
That you will always be here in my mind
You will always be here behind my eyes
That you will always be here inside my hand
To understand
That you will always be a part of me
Still hold it so close my heart
Can hear you in the wind
See you in the water
Smell you in the flowers
And wanted to fly myself… home to you

Övriga genrer av Love Dragon
Läst 215 gånger
Publicerad 2005-12-10 17:04

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Love Dragon
Love Dragon