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we will stay strong

With you by my side
I will fight

fight for life
and for love

for you
and for me

you know what i mean when i say
there's nothing you could say
nothing you could do

the only thing is to say strong
and smile
smile for life
smile for for all the smal things
the things that make you feel home

home is were you are
when you are safe

and where you can find happiness

a home can be any where
any thing

but a home is were you are free
free to feel
feel love

you will never be alone

i'll try to be by your side

when you thing you can see the end
i'll take your hand

because i'll never let you go alone
i'll never let you fall

we will stay strong
what else is there to do

Fri vers av cazi
Läst 168 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2011-05-22 01:05

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