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Some people call it karma

You sometimes fall on life's quest

And though common is on thee
Finding abrasions on your knee

You will someday find a migratory bird's nest

And there you will find peace of mind

Because the war that was always raging in your soul
Is now over and has left you, that ugly ghoul

And by the right choices you do, life will treat you kind

Now as you lying on your back and are looking upon the starry night

And thinking of days that has past
You find that time at last

Heal all wounds and you no longer have to fight

The war is over, what can I say?
The war is over, yesterday..

Bunden vers (Sonett) av micke ahlborg
Läst 282 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2011-05-23 10:11

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micke ahlborg