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Who are you?

Who are you, to kill another being?
Who are you, to kill another soul?
There is no reason to kill a man.
There is no reason to kill a women.
No, there is no reason to kill at all.
We are not the ones to say when someone's time is up.
So who are you, saying that she deserved it?
Whatever she did, it's not good enough to end her life.

What was your reason?
You're saying that she didn't obey,
You're saying that she didn't listen.
Did you ever think of asking polite?

Who are you, to kill another being?
Who are you, to kill another soul?
There is no reason to kill a man.
There is no reason to kill a women.
No, there is no reason to kill at all.
We are not the ones to say when someone's time is up.
So who are you, saying that she deserved it?
Whatever she did, it's not good enough to end her life.

What was your reason?
You're saying that she was having an affair,
You're saying that she was having sex with another man.
Did you ever think of asking why?

Did you ever think of how many lives you destroyed by pressing that trigger?
Did you ever think of how many lives you destroyed by not giving her a chance to explain?
No, you didn't.
You just saw your own hate, and do you know what?

That's not good enough!
No, that's not good enough.

There is no reason to kill a man.
There is no reason to kill a women.
No, there is no reason to kill at all.

Then why did you do it?
It was her fault, you said.
She deserved it, you said.

Did you ever think of asking her, before you started to punch?
Did you ever think of listening to her, before the blood started to flow?
Did you ever think at all?

She tried her best to please you.
She tried her best to be the one for you.
But you never noticed her.
She started to crawl back.
She started to reject you.
And you got mad.

You only saw what you wanted to see.
You only heard what you wanted to hear.
You never listen to her complains.
You never saw her love.

You started to hit, and she started to cry.
You started to kick, and she started to beg.
But you didn't hear.
You were blinded by grief when she tried to tell you that it all was a mistake.
You were blinded by hate when she tried to tell you to stop.
You were blinded by madness when you pulled the trigger.

There is no reason to kill another being.
There is no reason to kill another soul.
So why did you kill me?

Fri vers av Thomsén
Läst 303 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2011-06-25 14:01

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