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Creatures of the night

My scream into the night comes out like a silent whisper.
The fear that grows inside me gets bigger with every breath.
I hear theese voices, but I cannot see.
The darkness is all over, and it's closing in on me.
I can feel their touch, soft as the wind.
What do they want, why are they here..
They were bound tothe earth but should'nt be this near.
I know what they are made of, I kow what they need.
They're living on hate and fear.
If they choose atarget they'll always be near,
feeding on your soul and nursing your fear.
They are creatures of the night, bound to the earth.

Fri vers av Coldasice VIP
Läst 202 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2011-07-19 16:40

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Coldasice VIP