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Den här dikten skrevs i september 2011 och återfinns även på http://ccchampagne.wordpress.com/2011/09/15/moment-of-silence/

Moment of Silence

Touch the silence
as it runs through your fingers,
like silvery sand on a beach,
like fine silk threads in an old tapestry,
like air from an air-conditioning vent.

Touch the silence,
as it settles upon your brain,
like cotton over valuable jewelry in a small box,
like the tarpaulin over out-door furniture being put away,
like a freshly laundered sheet over a bed, stretching, bulging.

Touch the silence,
in the moment when time stands still,
like a sunlit ice sculpture in winter,
like an ancient rock formation in the desert,
like an Egyptian monolith in the center of London.

Touch the silence,
I know you can!
You need to hear it,
taste it,
see it...

You need to touch the silence
if you are to understand
what silence is.

Fri vers av CC Champagne
Läst 329 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2011-10-19 11:53

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