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Oktober 2011 (http://ccchampagne.wordpress.com/2011/10/03/could-have-should-have-would-have/)

Could have, Should have, Would have...

I could, I should,
I said I would,
but in the end
did not.

I might have done
if I'd been well
and hadn't
lost the plot.

The things
I tell you now
I ought to have
already said.

But even though
I could and should
I didn't
I just fled.

I could, I should,
I said I would,
but didn't -
as you do.

I ought to
have tried harder
might have changed my life
for you.

I can and shall,
I say I will,
but if I don't,

I could, I should
and said I would,
I tried to
make you proud.

I might have done
things differently,
ought to have
had a go.

But somehow
out of can came can't
and out of should
just no!

I could, I should,
I said I would
but in the end
did not.

I might have done
if I'd been well
and hadn't
given up!

Fri vers av CC Champagne
Läst 220 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2011-10-20 12:20

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