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November 2011 (http://ccchampagne.wordpress.com/2011/11/02/the-things-we-take-for-granted/)

The Things We Take for Granted

It wasn't very long ago
we were a farming race
our noses to the ground,
we scrounged
for food and had no place
for philosophical debates,
technology and such.
Survival was our highest goal
there was no time for much
socialization, face-to-face
was how people met back then
and never travel far and wide
for pleasure, no, Amen!
Our lives back then,
in many ways
so simple and complete,
but then we started
to evolve and
strive for higher feats.
Our world, once flat and
in the center of our universe
we explored on land and sea
and somehow made it worse!
We thought we brought
the betterment of all
to those we met
on journeys to the
distant shores where,
we should have let
proud peoples live by
their old rules,
worship their old Gods,
but we thought we
somehow saved them,
and increased their living odds.
Then suddenly
our world was round and
there was so much more
out in the universe around
that wasn't known before!
The sun was now our center,
enter the astronomers,
the physicists, the scientists,
technicians of this world
and much what they provided
we have put to real good use
but the things we take for granted
sometimes scream out in abuse!
The land we tilled, the animals
we lived off in the past,
society and convenience
is using up too fast!
Sustainable, the new catch phrase
is one for modern tongues
the Amazon we're cutting down
knowing it's our lungs!
Technology empowers us
but also makes us weak
when a day without
electricity would
traumatize for weeks!
We would search in desperation
for the closest battery store,
since living without internet
can't be fathomed anymore.
It worries me
what we are doing
to our Mother Earth!
How easily we
fail to see
just what her gifts are worth!
The things we
take for granted
could well also soon
be gone!
Because we are forgetting
what she taught us
in the dawn
of time, back when
we were entrusted with
her precious lands.
Today we are far more
aware of money
changing hands!
Development and
living standards really
have improved
our way of life
there's no debate
that forward we have moved
but dare we take for granted
what we have in here and now?
Not teach to future's children
that we have to slow it down?
It wasn't very long ago
we were a farming race
perhaps we should remember that
and treat our Earth with grace?

Fri vers av CC Champagne
Läst 320 gånger
Publicerad 2011-11-05 09:48

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