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brain is funny that way when you're out of all your defense it makes you remember things you rather had forgotten and it hurts. it will always hurt

för Han valde Henne

and it's official
it's like I'm an accident,
a car crash
in a small village

with internal damage
visible traces
defined with
the black holes
that used
to be my eyes

and everyone
comes closer
to be the first one
to know,

to whisper 
and  talk about me

the disaster
the freak who's gone mental

and you know what?
maybe I have gone mental
maybe I am a wreck

but please, please just let me be
because He chose Her

so I have the right

to be an echo of a human being
I'm just trying to survive here

so give me some space

please please  just give me some space
to survive



Fri vers (Fri form) av aspiration
Läst 161 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2012-07-22 23:22

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