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Ja, min översättning av Olle Adolphson/Beppe Wolgers "Det Gåtfulla folket. Ett eftermidddagslångt, hårslitande projekt, men jag blev ganska nöjd!

The Puzzling People (Det Gåtfulla folket översättning)

"The Puzzling People"

Children are people who live in the far away-land
made out of puddles and rain
The boys ships sail over those puddles as neatly as planned
gliding smoothly an engineer's chain

There is a girl gathering stones
-she has a million and three
The chief of the trees is minding his own
in the heart of the tree

There is a boy who is laughing at snow
There is a girl who has islands at home
made out of pillows
There is a boy and all that he touched
turned to icecream
Everyone's kids
and belong to the puzzling people

Children are people who live in the far away-land
made out of meadows and wind
Maybe a boy finds a rainbowtrain there that's unmanned
and travels to places within

There is a girl singing 'bout pinecones
she has one, maybe two
A boy scribbles down on a fence with a crayon
that the whole world is blue

A boy became chief with the feathers he found
There is the king of the shadows around - shadowing bandits
A girl made a funny face all by herself - that she's trying
Everyone's kids
and belong to the puzzling people

Children are people who live in the far away-land
made out of gardens and sheds
The Rocky Cut railroad gets robbed by the James-Younger Gang
when they're all asleep in their beds

There is a boy who is guessing at cars
He wins everytime
The birdsongs and medleys conducted by stars
have reason not to rhyme

Stones become treassures and gold when they skip
Beds turn to giraffe-coloured ships
that they fly to the moon with
There are kingdomes that no one from here
can take away now
Everyone's kids
and belong to the puzzling people


Övriga genrer (Översättning) av Karl Saxell
Läst 483 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2012-09-09 13:39

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Karl Saxell
Karl Saxell