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Deserved Damnation

Fear, they will know fear as I extinguish the sun and turn the sky charcoal black,
Panic, they will know panic as I spread the cold touch of death in a final attack.

They will see their fault, realize their end and damnation, this I've sworn,
They will see there is no escape, no salvation, that all hope is at last forlorn.

Despair you fools, your mortal shell and coward gods won't save you now,
Anguish and writhe in sorrow, you lost, take your final bow.

Fall on your knees, or bleed for the pointless strife you befall upon your mortal flesh,
Do it now, before I change my mind, while my patience is still somewhat fresh.

I am waiting for you to plead, and beg, and cry, and hoping I'll let you die,
Realize, you are nothing more than a speck, a spot, a stain, a fly.

Know that this Deserved Damnation, is your own,
I'm just here to help, you, reap what you've sown.

Bunden vers (Rim) av //Nikita
Läst 169 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2012-12-20 23:25

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