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på engelska och svenska taoismens grundares tankar ca 600 frKr; ur Tao Te Ching- taoismens heliga bok

Lao- Tse, några av hans tankar

Den som säger att allting är lätt
kommer att få många svårigheter.

Goda handlingar är gjorda av
små gärningar.

Ingen har kvävts av att svälja
sin stolthet.

Jag har bara tre saker att lära ut:
enkelhet, tålamod och medkänsla.
Dessa tre är de viktigaste skatterna.

Om du inte ändrar riktning kan det
hända att du hamnar där vart du
är på väg.

The snow goose need not bathe to
make itself white. Neither need you
do anything but be yourself.

Watch your thoughts, they become
words. Watch your words; they
become actions. Watch your actions;
they become habits. Watch your habits;
they become your character. Watch
your character; it becomes your

Nothing in the world is more flexible
and yielding than water. Yet when
it attacks the firm and the strong,
none can withstand it, because
they have no way to change it.
So the flexible overcomes the
adamant, the yielding overcomes
the forceful. Everybody knows it,
but no one can do it.

Manifest plainness. Embrace
simplicity.Reduce selfishness. Have
a few desires.

Kindness in words creates confidence.
Kindness in thinking creates profoundness.
Kindness in giving creates love.

Be content with what you have;
rejoice in the way things are.
When you realize there is nothing
lacking, the whole world belongs to you.

Life is a series of natural and spontaneous
changes. Don´t resist them- that only
creates sorrow. Let reality be reality.
Let things flow naturally forward in
whatever way they like.

If you do not change direction you may
end up where you are heading.

Accomplish but do not boast, accomplish
without show, accomplish without grabbing,
accomplish without forcing.

To a mind that is still the whole universe

To attain knowledge, add things every day.
To attain wisdom, remove things every day.

Respond intelligently even to an unintellectual

Act without expectation.

Muddy water, let stand, becomes clear.

When I let go of what I am, I become
what I might be.

Övriga genrer (Aforism) av Tarantaran
Läst 624 gånger och applåderad av 7 personer
Publicerad 2013-01-03 22:39

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