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en person som valde att bli av med mig, då jag önskar att hon istället valde att behålla mig, för jag behöver henne i mitt liv. hon är min vän.

Nothing more to say

no words or rhymes are enough anymore to tell you how miserable i am.
there's nothing i can do to make this right again i assume.
if i could, i would've turned back the time to make sure that you never left me.
i would have done everything and anything, but that wouldn't be good enough.
i really don't know why it turned out this way, or how i could even let this happen.

i only hurt myself more while writing this down, since i know you can't here me anymore. i know i'm just an idiot, trying to make sure that you stay here and nothing would change. But then again, people grow up, and they realize that they don't need you anymore. that's what you've done to me atleast. or maybe i just wasn't good enough for you?

i don't know how to make things right, or even where to begin. but if you ever change your mind, and if you someday, or somehow, ever start to feel like i'm good enough for you to keep, then i'll be here waiting for you. if not, well, then i guess i was right from the very start. don't get me wrong, nothing would make me happier than to see you smile again, and knowing that you're still here. but you're not. and you probably won't coming around anytime soon. and even do it hurts this much, i have to let the feeling go. so please, don't leave me behind. please tell me everything's okay.

i guess i have nothing more to say, that i'm sorry, i miss you, and i always will be here for you.

Fri vers av dengodabeskvien
Läst 131 gånger
Publicerad 2013-02-25 18:12

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