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lite som.. E.T... kanske


One human

beached and abandoned

on the dark side of the moon

whispers to you in your dreams

trying to get your attention

trying to get you to listen

she shoots stars

in the direction of your barricaded heart

form clouds in the eastern part of the sky

leans over your face

and exhales aurora and budding clouds

against your eyes that are clouded over

dissolves black stitches in your shoulder blades

and puts out black bowls filled with light

around your bed

you continue as usual

go to work

shaking cold

lifeless hands

dream on

you do not listen

you do not see how the moon shines

inside you

Fri vers (Spoken word/Slam) av Koreless
Läst 248 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2013-05-09 23:21

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