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Spoken word/slam - song thing about my love for a city - my love for music and my love for life - which I think this city is a good picture of in many ways. -Versatile.

Me and the record

In 1994
we were 3
my folks and me

In New York City

As I went through the open door
out on the street

My heart skipped a beat
so did the record in the record store

We understood each other
me and the record

In love with a city

The record was old

I was young

In New York City
in 1994

As I went through the open door

I knew

- One day

I had to go back
and make a track

The record skipped a beat

- I think it understood me

Fri vers (Spoken word/Slam) av Nina.K
Läst 140 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2013-05-16 03:26

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The melody of this poem is right, it is just like a great song moving in the direction of poetry and light,
a song!
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