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Please be here in the morning
when I lay with messy hair
and sweet breath on your skin

Wake me up with tangled sheets
and sweat on my pillow
Leave me undone and shivering

Never think about the days to come
or the days that went
Stay with me in this moment

When I have done nothing right
and everything is lost
Please be here in the morning

Never let me forget the love
I feel for you today
and never give my heart back

Just let me hold you here
in this queen-sized bed
let me taste your lips

We are not getting younger
this is just the start
of a bumbpy road

But for now lets pretend
that the end is here
fear nothing this morning

Just love my imperfection
like I love yours
Leave it like that this morning

Fri vers (Fri form) av Tovan_
Läst 211 gånger
Publicerad 2013-08-13 02:04

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