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Inspirerad av Larry Stylinson. Ni med tonårsdöttrar kan fråga dem, de vet garanterat vem det är! =)

Coming out

Will you stand with me in the spotlight?
will you hold my hand?
Are you ready to tell the world
I am your man?

Smile for me darling
Don't be afraid
We fought so hard
we put on the charade

Now is the time
to make a stand
To show the haters
our love's no longer banned

No longer silenced
never again hidden
come here honey
we are equal, not forbidden

So let me kiss you baby
Let everyone see
How much I love you
And how we are ment to be

Fri vers (Fri form) av Tovan_
Läst 124 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2013-08-14 01:07

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