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Poem - spoken word - modern poem

Monday afternoon

It was

a drafty room

Not sure

where the draft
came from

perhaps from
the past

It made chills go down my spine
and back up into my head

as if there wasn't enough
stuff there already

brain stuff

which on one hand
was visible on an x-ray

on the other hand
there was


- nothing at all
inside that thing
called the brain

However it sure felt
as though it was a lot
of things inside that brain

Sometimes it even felt
physically heavy

Like you'd taken a sack
of potatoes and placed it
over the body

Other times
there was
a feeling
of being


that was a nice feeling

Sometimes I think my brain
is stuck in my pocket

And all that's left
is a big black hole
in my head

I put my brain
beside my cup
of coffee

Me and my brain
have a sip of coffee
and a chat

It is nice

My head feels

- lighter

I tell my brain
to remember
to chill out every now and then

The brain sips coffee
from the coffee cup

Slurping - although
I'm not quite sure
if a brain would
slurp while drinking

The draft is gone
and I realize that

-just flew by

As if it never was there

It was just me and my brain
having a nice little chat

over a cup of coffee

- on a Monday afternoon

Fri vers (Modernistisk dikt) av Nina.K
Läst 250 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2013-12-09 22:41

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