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A poem.

So many ways

A rusty old guitar
and a husky voice
strumming through
the open space
chunky bits of apple
in a marvelous piece
of apple cake
cheerful people
dancing - it's gotta
be this time of year
when the sun's coming back
from all those rainy days

so many ways to look at the world
through a magnifying glass - through
a good laugh - through the thickest
forest out there - in the end - it's a lot
of chaos - sometimes messy - sometimes
beautiful - but for this moment, - let us
enjoy these songs - sung by a man with
a husky voice and a rusty old guitar

for this day is all we've got - here and now
so we might as well - throw the jackets away
and give a big hooray - there's always a way
although the road might be crocked like an
old branch - and the singer a bit rusty - just
like his old guitar

Fri vers (Fri form) av Nina.K
Läst 258 gånger och applåderad av 7 personer
Publicerad 2014-03-08 01:11

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  Larz Gustafsson VIP


  Larz Gustafsson VIP


  Hon kallar sig poet VIP
Känns närvarande, och rycks med i inledningen. Bilden är stämningsfull.

  Larz Gustafsson VIP
I saw a man like that on tv the other day. He was from Nashville, TN.

    Ken Cassel
Gillade det där med gitarren
och hesa rösten
Passade in på mig faktiskt



    ej medlem längre
Ah, så härlig! Beskriver verkligen frihetskänslan, samtidigt tryggt med en gammal gitarr och rosslig röst, gör att man vill leva i den dagen dikten beskriver ... en av dina allra bästa.
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