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A micro story.

The birds by the lake

Peaches and chocolate
the sweetness of your
eyes - the dewy skin
and the draped curtains
takes me back in time

the underwear the
lightning - the set
the music - the stage
all ready for the big

the liveliness in
your smile as we
dance to the music
that only we can hear

there's not much rhythm
in the blues - not much
Liquor in the glasses
but who needs all of that
when we dance like we do
to the beat and the rhythm
that only we can hear - who's in
need of fancy drinks - when we
drink the love straight out of
the universe - the tastiness of
being alive - being with each other
being together under the petals
of a strange dream

we'll write our story
on a shared piece of paper
the ink's gonna make such
beautiful letters - and we
will be making out - inside
while the rain hits the window
and the trees long arms held
by the wind gently sweeps the
wooden walls on our house

the lake can be seen
from the window
view - there's only
a few that knows
and those are the
birds - but they
won't tell
- they'll only fly
across the sky
and keep the secret

- safe under their wings

Fri vers av Nina.K
Läst 232 gånger och applåderad av 6 personer
Publicerad 2014-03-10 03:55

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    ej medlem längre
a tone,
beneath the smile
was all we ever
asked for..
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