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Spoken word

A new song

'It's now or never'
stands on repeat
like anxiety being
injected straight into
my veins

like a druggie
on the run
from the

sometimes my
ankle aches
without no

so the doctor
says at least
he can't find
anything wrong
with it - neither
can my physiotherapist

I've been on the run
from time to time
been down many roads
before heading back on the fast lane

the cars and the motorcycles
comes from all directions
they scare me - guess that's why
I don't own one

perhaps they remind me to much
of my own confusion

the confusion I sometimes
mend with art and poetry
it does work - better than pills
it gives me the relief - it gives me
a sort of satisfaction - to put it out there
for people to see - for people to read
it makes me feel - like I can do something
too - it takes away some of the pain that still
has its claws in me - it blurs out some of the past
- sometimes I pretend it never even happened
- sometimes I pretend it stopped - and I could breath
- once again

All in all - it's not to bad
I guess most of us has our
history that we carry around
with us - most of us has some
garbage in the bin - that we 'd most
likely be much better without

So - when I write, when I put colors
to the canvas - there's a certain hope
that those who read - those who observe
will find something to take with them
something to remember - even if just
for a little while

That too would help mend
the wounds I still have

and perhaps one day
I'll put a stop to the 'it's no or never'

and put on

- a new song

Fri vers (Spoken word/Slam) av Nina.K
Läst 189 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2014-03-19 16:59

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  Larz Gustafsson VIP
"I will sing, sing a new song..." (U2)

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