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My realm

Watch your foot-step as you enter my realm

My ground is twisted, broken and covered with burning snow
It's a dangerous way to get to me, beasts and predators is lurking, observing every second you are here

You have to stay focus on the goal if you want to reach me, don't have doubts, if you do you will fall

You may enter a world in oblivion, a world where no one ever been before, most likely never will be after

If you fall, I will not notice, you will just be a shadow among the stones
If the beast will get you, I will not care. You will just be someone that didn't want it enough

But if you will reach it, reach me
I promise you, a living dream, my beating heart

Fri vers av byggpoeten
Läst 152 gånger
Publicerad 2014-04-21 17:29

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