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The cage doors are shut and locked
I now give in to my aggression, let it control my actions

With my heart filled with rage my eyes go dark my blood lust goes high, I just want to see your blood, see you crawl, begging me for mercy
Locked inside this cage I'm the ruler, the king, a divinity

Inside this cage you are weaker than me, I'm your vision of perfection, the one you want to be

In the same moment the cage door fall to the ground, my world lays into ruins, my kingdom has no borders no more

It's open for everyone to come in, to take control, I feel my anger has left me

I feel frightened, I fell small, I feel my domain shrink to a small candle in my soul
Outside my cage I'm as weak as you, as broken as you.
I suffer without my cage, suffer in fear off the unowned

Fri vers av byggpoeten
Läst 149 gånger
Publicerad 2014-04-21 17:41

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